Sunday, December 14, 2014

Executive Functioning on Pinterest

A district-wide focus not too long ago was on building Executive Functioning skills among our students. Every building developed goals to this end and formed committees. I chaired the MT committee and we looked closely at the work of Dick Guare and Peg Dawson, authors of, "Smart but Scattered". Drawing from some of the information in this book, the team modified an evaluation and set about to develop interventions for each of the domains. One problem we realized was that there was no easy and accessible way for us to provide this information to staff and parents. Drawing from our experiences with Web 2.0, we realized that best was to house and disseminate this information was through Pinterest. Through some work and discussion with the District Office we were able to create a Pinterest account that offers tips and strategies for people working on specific Executive Functioning skills. I'd invite to take a look at the account and follow if you like by clicking the link below.

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